Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Faith Helps

I have been thinking a lot on faith lately. I know that if I didn't have faith in some thing greater than me I would not be able to survive the things I have. The things with Jennifer would have been to hard for me to deal with. I know that I have received the strength I need from a higher power. As Jennifer has mentioned we are LDS. I do firmly believe in Christ and his healing power.

I know that faith is a hard subject for some people. But for me it has helped me and has given me the power I need to get through this life. I know that one day things will be put right. That day may not come in this life, but it will come. Some days it is hard to see and some days I do want to give up. But as long as I do my best to hold on to my faith, it gets me through the hard times. When I fail to keep faith I end up falling into a deep depression that takes me along time to get out of. I have never gotten out of it without faith in Christ to help me out. It is just a reminder for me to have faith.

I don't want you to feel like I am trying to push what I believe on you. But I do want you to know that there is always some one that cares about you. You are not alone in what you are going through. Heck you are looking at proof right now, this blog is proof that you are not alone.

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