Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Well darn

Well darn it all! Life has been just plain crazy. I got sick and just couldn't seem to get over it. I was so felt so sick I didn't want to eat a thing. I think it was a bad mix of being sick and being pregnant. Smells got unbearable. Thankfully I am feeling much better.

Things with Jenifer are still a bit crazy. You know, when I first found out about all of her issues I was thinking "oh good maybe now I can get some more understanding from him since he is a she!" Boy was I wrong. Just because he is a she does not mean that she will understand me. Why? Well for many reasons. The first being well she was raised as a boy and didn't get to have any girlie experiences. Second being that even women that were raised as such don't even understand one another. Admit it, you don't fully understand other women. It is something that is just so impossible to do.

BUT, before you try to yell at the computer screen let me say that it is possible to have some understanding. But you have to admit it is only to a point. You can understand how some one can do something but still not understand why. And yes those are two totally different things.

I guess part of my frustration is that I was expecting too much. The other part is that well, not much changed in the understanding department. Part of me feels like she could do better. I feel like she could be a little bit more sensitive to my feelings. Some times she still says things that really hurt me. I have been really worried about the baby for a while and instead of giving me a hug and trying to tell calm down that every thing will be ok, just relax. I just got a 'stop your freaking out or you are going cause a problem.' The difference between the two? Well for starters the comfort of the first helps make a person more willing to listen to you. If you start with the telling them what to do well why should I listen to you you insensitive jerk?!

Yes I know I am ranting. But hey, that is what I started this blog for. Have a nice day:).

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